fire extinguisher inspection Raleigh NCPeople don’t usually think it will happen to them or to their business, but fires occur all the time. Even small fires can cause a lot of damage, which often results in large expenses and lost business. Plus, there is the possibility of serious injuries or even fatalities. This is why a regular fire extinguisher inspection Raleigh NC is critical.

Why you need periodic fire extinguisher inspections

It’s the law

All businesses – including schools and hospitals – have to follow safety rules and regulations. State and local fire marshals require inspections for fire extinguishers on a regular basis. Though this mandate is typically once a year, increasing that to monthly or quarterly is a smart idea.

To ensure compliance

Because a fire can be devastating, many insurance companies demand that companies have their extinguishers checked often. If they aren’t, this could potentially void a policy. In addition, health and safety organizations also require regular fire extinguisher inspections. Therefore, not complying with OSHA or the NFPA can result in large fines.

For maximum safety

Above all, businesses should get a fire extinguisher inspection Raleigh NC for safety purposes. Knowing your extinguishers are in good working order will give you peace of mind. You can be confident that employees, customers, and visitors will be safe in the case of a fire.

Steel Mountain Fire & Safety offers fire extinguisher inspection Raleigh NC services

If your extinguishers have not had a check in a while, get in touch with Steel Mountain. Our trained professionals will give them a complete inspection. We will ensure that they work properly and adhere to current safety standards. And if you need new extinguishers, we offer the best products on the market. Plus, we can train your employees so they will know exactly how to use them. For more information or to schedule an appointment or training session, please contact us.

In addition to fire extinguisher products and services, we offer a wide range of suppression products. Also, our kitchen hood cleaning services are critical to keeping your facility in compliance with local and NFPA regulations. Not to mention, it is dangerous to procrastinate, when it comes to cleaning grease from kitchen appliances.