commercial kitchen hood cleaningRestaurants, schools, offices, churches, and hospitals have a lot of moving parts. First, they ensure they execute their purpose flawlessly. Whether implementing a marvelous menu, educating children, taking care of patients, or something else, the primary purpose is the priority. Then, they must also take care of their employees, or they will lose that purpose. Furthermore, they have to worry about customer service! With so many moving parts, sometimes cleanliness and meeting safety guidelines are at the bottom of the list. And, one area often overlooked is cleaning kitchen hoods. Let Steel Mountain Fire & Safety handle your commercial kitchen hood cleaning with ease.

Commercial Kitchen Hood Cleaning with Steam Machines

Keeping people – employees and customers – safe is a major priority for any business. Kitchens can create hazardous conditions if not monitored closely. Keep in mind, as grease builds up, the possibility of a fire can exist. Routine maintenance allows for safer conditions. Steel Mountain Fire & Safety takes care of this upkeep for you using the latest steam cleaning technology.

Steam cleaning is effective because the high temperatures clean and sanitize the deepest built-up grease. Steel Mountain Fire & Safety uses that technology to their advantage. Their top-of-the-line steam machines reach temperatures of 330 degrees, cleaning down to the bare metal of the kitchen hood.

Then, to further ensure everything is clean, Steel Mountain Fire and Safety will also clean the exhaust fans and filters. Therefore, they eradicate all of the grease which lessens the possibility of a fire.

Steel Mountain Fire & Safety Creates Safe Establishments

Steel Mountain offers more than commercial kitchen hood cleaning services. Additionally, they can install a fire suppression system. In the event of a fire, this system would contain the flames as soon as they start. By using chemicals and smart technology, fire suppression systems are much more effective than sprinklers.

You may not be planning to install a fire suppression system but want added security. Steel Mountain Fire & Safety can also equip you with a supply of fire extinguishers to have on-site. Also available is training for your employees on use of the equipment and education on general fire safety information.

The National Fire Protection Association has been around for over 100 years. Rules and regulations are in place in order to prevent fires. Steel Mountain Fire & Safety upholds these rules and regulations in everything they do. Being NFPA-compliant is critical; Steel Mountain Fire & Safety is prepared to keep your establishment safe and up-to-code.

Take Your Kitchen Hood Cleaning Off Your List!

With Steel Mountain Fire & Safety, you’ll never have to worry about the cleanliness of your kitchen hood again. You can mark it off your “to worry about” list and juggle all of the other moving parts of your school, office, restaurant, church, or hospital. Request a free consultation by calling (833-686-3473) or visiting their website. Put your commercial kitchen hood cleaning in the hands of professionals and out of your hair!