Fire extinguishers are, quite possibly, the most important safety device available. Fires are extremely common. It is one of the reasons why businesses, by law, must have them. The National Fire Protection Association estimates that fire departments respond to roughly 1.5 million fires each year in the U.S. While that is an alarmingly high number, there is another statistic that is even more frightening. A fire extinguisher that is on hand puts out an estimated 80% of all fires. This means that for well over half of all fires, no one notifies the fire department. Be sure that you are always prepared. Let Steel Mountain Fire & Safety arm you with the tools you’ll need in the event of a fire.

Steel Mountain has more than 20 years of experience in fire prevention services. They ensure that their friendly staff and field technicians receive the best training and achieve the necessary certifications. Their customer-based approach underlines their commitment to quality products and service. They offer comprehensive fire protection services, including a wide range of fire extinguishers and services.

Fire Extinguisher Training Services

Since fire extinguishers must be on hand for all commercial building businesses and establishments, it makes sense to get the right equipment. Steel Mountain offers services for restaurants, schools, offices, and many more businesses. Many of these facilities require special wall-mounting for easy access to prevent injuries. Steel Mountain has the skill and expertise to properly install and maintain this equipment.

Additionally, Steel Mountain offers fire extinguishers training services, which many businesses must have to comply with local regulations. Steel Mountain offers a wide range of services to fit the needs of your business. They can train your entire company on scheduled days so that your employees can learn together. Or they can offer smaller, individualized classes. Whatever your needs, Steel Mountain can help you and your employees be prepared. Contact them today to see how their options can save your business valuable time and money.

Service and Inspection

Regulations and requirements for fire extinguishers for businesses are very strict and specific. One of the main requirements is that you must have a regularly-inspected and serviced fire extinguisher. Steel Mountain can make sure your equipment is in proper working order, and in the right place. Their trained professionals will check to make sure you meet all applicable requirements. Get peace of mind by letting them ensure that you’re fully prepared.